Towing Worksheet Screen

Use this screen to view, add, modify, or delete tow providers and towing charges information.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
Tow 1
Tow 2
Tow 3
Each tab displays a separate Towing Worksheet.
Tow Date The date the vehicle was towed. You can also click the calendar icon and select the date from there. This field is mandatory.
Impounded When checked, indicates the vehicle has been impounded.
Name This droplist allows you to select a tow provider from the list. Tow providers appear in this list if they were previously entered in this worksheet.
Address 1
Address 2
This is the tow provider street location. These fields are mandatory with the exception of Address 2.
Phone Enter any phone numbers in these fields for the tow provider. At least one phone entry is required.
(up and down arrows) Use these buttons to move the selected phone entry within the list.
(red X button) This option deletes the selected phone number. It is located under the up and down arrows.
Start Date,
End Date,
Total # Of Days,
Cost Per Day $,
Admin Fee $,
Preservation Fee $,
Impound Fee $,
Notification Fee $,
Sublet Fee $,
Misc. Storage Fee $,
Tax $,
Subtotal $
The fields are in the Storage Information section. Use these fields to itemize storage charges related to the tow.
Delete This Tow Provider From List Select this option to delete the selected tow providers.
Tow $,
Winch $,
Hook $,
Dolly $,
Drive Line Removal $,
Tire Change $,
Extra Person $,
Special Equipment $,
Tax $,
Clean Up $,
Fuel Charge $,
Mileage Charge $,
Admin Fee $,
Stand By Fee $,
Flat Bed $,
Hazardous Mat'l $,
Service Call $,
City Filing $,
Subtotal $
The fields are in the Detailed Tow Charges Information section. Use these fields to itemize towing charges related to the tow.
Reset Towing Worksheet Select this option to clear the information in the Towing Worksheet.
Tow 1 $
Tow 2 $
Tow 3 $
These fields are calculated from the charges in each Towing Worksheet. You cannot edit these fields.
Total Charges $ This field represents the total amount from Tow 1, Tow 2, and Tow 3.
Notes Enter any notes or comments in this field.
OK Select this option to save the information and close the screen.
Cancel This option closes the screen without saving.



See Also

Creating a Towing Worksheet

Editing Tow Provider Information

Adding, Editing, or Deleting Notes in a Towing Worksheet

Resetting the Towing Worksheet

Printing a Towing Worksheet







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